

SYSALIGN's Wavebobber is a software that predicts service operation failures and provides continuous availability and stability through error prediction and mapping in cloud instances and server production environments for mission-critical application or orchestration operation. Memory is a key element that acts as a cross-finder for heterogeneous systems at the center of components such as CPU, storage, FPGA, and GPU. We act as the guardian who check data tables managed by hypervisors through error and event analysis to detect, report, and respond to potential damage and losses at the system level of service.

Predicting potential errors at the system kernel level

The growing size of the current data configuration threatens system and instance drops. At the data block level, we provide error detection mechanisms, error event forwarding, and infrastructure re-signing operations such as config and state backup recovery, as well as providing threshold availability such that suits users’ environments such as forwarding drop, buffer drop, policy drop, and delay timeout.

Issue management, and service protection from unexpected system errors

  • Predict infrastructure failures that affect system reliability and availability
  • Data flow input error event and system utilization, real-time error risk check

Availability applied to cloud on-premises

System standard virtualization-based software can be operated not only in large server farms but also in public clouds

Integrity through problem management, and live migration

Protect services through live migration to new VMs on the same device or nodes on the same network in case of a system failure

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